Sunday, February 14, 2010

3-d Apartment Rendering What Does My Dream Mean?

What does my dream mean? - 3-d apartment rendering

I'm in my room ... This is the hour of the night, so it is very dark. I live in a large building, I know, because I can see the other windows in the mine, such as towers or residential towers. The people have Christmas decorations, but not Christmas. I'm sad because I speak my BF. Then you call your voicemail greeting, and you say that talking to me. I began to cry, but the next thing I know, I see a girl I met created in 3-D a drawing on drawing paper and pencils TypD. There is a waterslide ... seems real. Not even with this girl. Then her husband saw in a dream, and we talk about the picture you drew.



Anh KÍa said...

This is normal

His dream is what happens during the day, I based ...... Total value

Some dreams can not be true and others

if u is a dream Reoccuring then I want to know what it means

I suggest u ask in the psychology section ULL to get more answers

bluzmelo... said...

Take drugs? Some medications can make her restless spirit, and you have crazy dreams.

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