Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Homemade Rabbit Run Some Flemish Giant Questions...?

Some flemish giant questions...? - homemade rabbit run

1. I get a girl and I do not know his name. I want a little tomboy. I thought, "Remy". Did you know ... Remy the Flemmi. What do you think?

2. How do you practice in a position to be a part of the house lead litterbox? I have 2 rabbits. Lionhead and Dutch. They are not trained, but they also seem to enjoy the time together in their homes by Excellence "cage" so never bothered with them.

3. Holds in a medium sized dog crate to be OK? (A big enough for my chow-mix). (Note that I will be able to run when I'm at home).

4. If rabbit's pedigree, the documents completely and send it as in dogs and cats are registered.

5. Do you have information about the giants in Flanders? Only the Flemish giant rabbit, in particular, no!


oregano1... said...

1. Sounds good!
2. They tend to be a corner of shit that he was a litter box and gradually have found no freedom of rabbits. If the rabbit is not spayed / neutered litter training is much more difficult. Further notes are here: http://www.rabbit.org/faq/sections/litte ...
3. Not even close. Flemish Giants are huge and you need a cage at least 4 times as long as his outstretched rabbits. It take 4-6 hours out of the cage. So, you are likely to be long in the vicinity of at least 5 or 6 yards. There are large dog crates. Take a look at an X-up pen instead: http://www.sandiegorabbits.org/adoption/ ...
They are cheap and spacious.
4. No
5. They tend to rabbits, sweets in general, and more loving than their smaller counterparts. Tests Bunny will be harder for them because of their size, may extend far up to go, so anything you can get your rabbit to be faithful to their adult size must somehow secured to prevent damage, andour property and injury to the rabbit. Note that you can easily climb on furniture. A magazine articles are a few holidays at:
http://www.sandiegorabbits.org/behavior/ ...
... http://www.binkybunny.com/BUNNYINFO/Bunn

Paige A said...

The only thing that shall say about the dog cage, make sure that bar is at the base and the plastic is not in the back, or sit in his own feces, Im sure you know that there but for someone more about thinking ...

~vampire queen~ said...

If you have to train, if you want to go around, everyone said it was easy, I think, be medium size dog cage good and I think Remy is nice, and I do not know about the job role.

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